Wednesday, February 29, 2012

pregnancy joys

I was going to try and update this monthly on the pregnancy...obviously that didn't happen:) amazing how busy life can be sometimes. With only two months to go ~here is a low down of whats been going on!

Month one...Gallbladder attack (didn't know I had gallstones!), inflammed gallbladder and hospitalized for 3 days on IV antibiotics. They didn't want to do surgery because of the miscarriage risk, so that will have to be done after delivery at some point. I will never touch ramen noodles again in my life! 0# weight gain
Month two...nothing but nauseous and exhausted. 1# weight gain
Month three...way too much like month two. Can't wait for the magical 14 weeks when all this is supposed to subside. 1# weight gain
Month four...wait, I think I feel normal?! Could the worst be over? High BP has already showed its face and the dreaded bedrest word has already been mentioned as a possibility if it doesn't go down. 2# weight gain
We had a Gender Reveal Party early December and let C open and tell us if he was getting a brother or sister, rather then a stranger ultrasound tech. Such a fun memory to have. ITS A...

Month five...I am still pregnant right? Cause I have energy again, getting stuff done, and don't feel like I wanna sleep all day everyday. Non-stop heartburn is now in full force though. Sure have a active baby though and my doctor already called her a "fiesty one" lol where would she get that from?!:) everytime he tries to get a heartbeat she kicks his doppler :) BP was only high one of the two appt's. We officially picked a name for this baby girl too! 2# weight gain
Month six...still have energy! Baby's room has been gutted, new carpet, new trim, new doors, new paint. crib is up, decor is almost all up and she can move in anytime ;) big month in the weight dept...5# gain (eeekkk!)



Month seven...oh yes, thats the feeling I remember. tired, exhausted, how much longer til I can go to bed thoughts all day long. I got all of her newborn and 0-3 month clothes washed and put away ~she has WAY TOO MANY!! Definetly more 0-3 month clothes then she will ever be able to wear. As fun as it is to buy the little itty bitty outfits, I am going to have to focus on colder months and get 6-9 months from now on. 
Getting uncomfortable, carring this little chica very low, which is making it seem like I have less clothes then I really do. Nothing seems long enough ~thank god for the maternity tanks for under everything! Every time I stand up or switch sides in bed I get extremely low pressure/pain. She has been flipping from head down to sideways, and the head down days are very rough! Having a job where I am up and down aprox 50 times a day, has not been plesant to say the least. My favorite part of this month, we had a 4D ultrasound done in Bloomington. It was amazing! I can't believe how much we could tell what she looked like, who's features she has, see her yawn, suck her thumb. She has DD's lip and nose for sure ~we're hoping she gets my eyes:)  It was all so cool. She was just over 3# and about 17 inches long. We have tons of pictures and the whole hour long ultrasound on DVD. My least favorite part of this month...gestational diabetes test! Epic for the next 8 weeks I get to poke my finger 4x a day, count carbs, eliminate candy and regular soda, no longer get to enjoy the "I can have extra cause I am pregnant snacks". Not enjoying it so far, however I started the month with a 2# weight gain the first week and ended the last week with a 3# loss. 10# total:) can't complain!

Can't wait to meet this little girl ~seeing her on this ultrasound sure looks like she is "done cooking" which is making it even harder to get through these last weeks. Starting month 8 today, and went to a .6 (three days per week) at work until my leave starts. The combination of the pressure/pain, BP issues, and having to work 6 out of 7 days every other week wasn't going well. This will make my last 6 weeks of work much more doable and hopefully I am able to avoid bedrest all together because of it. I submitted my LOA paperwork this week, which was super fun to put a in a 5 month leave! I will be able to be at home with both kiddos all summer, eliminate daycare bills and hopefully enjoy lots of time outside. Thanks to DD finally branching out on his own, and starting his own DJ company is made it all possible. Only leaving a few weekends open in that 5 months, we booked our first family of four trip to AZ for August! Hopefully by 4 months old this little diva will be able to be in the little kid pool with us and watch her brother play:) We have some cute little swimsuits I cannot wait to put her in!

Until next time...xo