Thursday, October 30, 2008


C loves, loves, loves Spongebob ~ so thanks to DD he got a spongebob pumpkin :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The world of fitness

Well I am a official gym member! Friday was our first day...and yep almost died! When we left my legs felt like jello, but in a good way LOL. It will be a good change for us.... We have to go 12 times a month at a minimum to get our rebate so it doesn't cost us anything. Between our two rebates it will be roughly $3 a month (for our joint membership). How cool is that! The bad thing is October is already over for that so we won't get it this month. Oh well.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

crazy neighbors

I am at work today and DD calls me...."you won't believe what we got in the mail today" One of our neighbors called animal control on us!!! OMG are you frickin' kidding me?!? Saying
our dog is LIVING outside and barks loud all day/night. I was just livid! First of all, this is Bailey.... She is about 5lbs - how loud can she possibly be? All the people around us have a dog (and some have two) the only ones who don't are the ones behind our backyard. Hmmm..... The funny thing is that most of the week we are gone to work all day and she gets a two minute quick pee outside before we leave and then she is stuck inside until 3:30pm! After I get home at 3:30 if its nice out I will leave her outside for like a hour or so because shes been in a kennel for 6-8 hours. Yes, she barks sometimes but its the middle of the afternoon - BIG DEAL . The rest of the time she does her two minute potty breaks and comes right back in. What else I don't understand is why call now when summer is over. Shes hardly ever outside now cause its MN lets face it - its cold now...October, come on! The days are few and far between now when she will be out for longer than 5 min. Why not call in July when she would be outside a lot more. So weird! Its been raining here so much lately that the one nice day she was outside someone must of been having a bad day. Uggg so frustrating. The good thing is that when we called animal control to say this is crazy the lady agreed. She walked around our house and said with the leash that was outside she knew it was a small dog and there was obviously no dog living outside. When we told her Bailey is a 5lb maltese puppy, she wrote in her notes that it is a ridiculous call in case they call again. Of course they called in anonymous, they are lucky. I wish I would find get it confirmed on who I thought it was - I've never egg'd a house so I think it would be about time :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

first timer here

Here I am on my very first blog....

A brief run down to get you all caught up on the last couple weeks/months.
C is finally potty trained!! Never thought it would happen - thought I would have the 5 yr old in diapers on his first day of school. LOL I am sure every mom feels that way towards the end. It has been nice only buying diapers once a month rather then weekly. He is still wearing the pull up at night but hes only 3...we got time to get that down.
DD and I have booked Blackwoods for our reception - post Vegas -
This was our first official wedding purchase! Let the overtime begin....
We have been talking about joining the gym for over a month now....finally found my medical card to make that happen. I wouldn't sign up until I had my card for the $20 a month rebate! LOL apparently its not about getting healthy but about only costing two dollars a month-right?!? yes, I am retarded. I am hoping to be a couple sizes smaller by christmas. Plus, I have officially started to boycot the kitchen at work. Everything is costing so much more and two meals a day 4 days a week turns into a lot of money. I am now bringing a lean cuisine with some fruit everyday. I am hoping to kill two birds with one stone this way. I will save money and lose a few pounds! woohoo. lets hope I can keep it going....