Wednesday, October 8, 2008

first timer here

Here I am on my very first blog....

A brief run down to get you all caught up on the last couple weeks/months.
C is finally potty trained!! Never thought it would happen - thought I would have the 5 yr old in diapers on his first day of school. LOL I am sure every mom feels that way towards the end. It has been nice only buying diapers once a month rather then weekly. He is still wearing the pull up at night but hes only 3...we got time to get that down.
DD and I have booked Blackwoods for our reception - post Vegas -
This was our first official wedding purchase! Let the overtime begin....
We have been talking about joining the gym for over a month now....finally found my medical card to make that happen. I wouldn't sign up until I had my card for the $20 a month rebate! LOL apparently its not about getting healthy but about only costing two dollars a month-right?!? yes, I am retarded. I am hoping to be a couple sizes smaller by christmas. Plus, I have officially started to boycot the kitchen at work. Everything is costing so much more and two meals a day 4 days a week turns into a lot of money. I am now bringing a lean cuisine with some fruit everyday. I am hoping to kill two birds with one stone this way. I will save money and lose a few pounds! woohoo. lets hope I can keep it going....

1 comment:

LucieP said...

I am just so excited you started a blog! And this will be a great way to tell everyone your updates...especially wedding ones but not to leave out home improvement ones!

Love you girl!