Saturday, September 10, 2011

Baby #2...month two

Well, the symptoms are in full effect now. I don't recall being this exhausted all the time pregnant with C! Its horrible, I need a nap everyday to feel like I can fully function. On the plus side, as long as I remember to eat something when I wake up it seems to control the nausea most of the day. I read a list of about 10 things "you may be feeling" at this point...bahahahaha I had 8 of the 10. Good times.
We have bought some baby items already, gotta pick up some cute stuff when it comes along.:) I've also thrown in some diapers and wipes to keep it practical of couse.
The first doctor appointment went well. The 7 tubes of blood being taken, I could of done without that part. I had a nice little chat with my doctor -who is awesome by the way- about my twins concern, and got a ultrasound scheduled for Oct 6th. He also confirmed the May 3rd due date. We also talked about my blood pressure issues with C and he said he will be inducing me at 38 weeks again. I am on BP meds now, so maybe it won't be as big of a issue. Hopefully, bedrest is not on the menu again! It would be super cool to have the baby born on April 25th though, that was C's due date.
My mom has been shopping all the summer baby clearance for next summer. Why not buy both genders when they are $1!? Crazy JCP deals!
So gut feeling so far since this pregnancy is already much different then C ~I am guessing girl at this point. We'll see :)

Baby #2 ...the first month

The baby talk has been going on in our house for about a year now. Obviously, if we waited until we were ready financially we'd probably be close to 50. So now seems as good of time as any. Of course, if you know me at all, you know I have it all "planned out" and am completely crazy. My original "plan" was to get pregnant in August or September and have a May baby to get the summer off. No daycare bill for C, and I get to be off ALL summer long! July was my last month on birth control, so I used the handy fertility calender online and figured out August "you could get pregnant" days...
Then the waiting game...I don't play that well. When it comes to things like this, I have no patience lol! So I quickly figured out, which day I could take a first response "6 days sooner" test, which was Aug 20th. By Aug 17th I was already having a couple mild symptoms, but thought maybe my mind was playing tricks on me. The 20th came, which we ironically enough had card/drinking that afternoon after work I decided I better take one, just to see even though it was super early. I got a very faint positive. Hmmm...but if it was a negative, that second line wouldn't be there at all, not even a little bit, right?! My crazy self, took a test maybe two everyday for the next 5 days until my "friend" was supposed to show up. Had a total of 4 very faint positives, and a bunch of negatives. Then finally Friday, the 26th came, the day after my "friend" did a no-show. I couldn't take the faint lines anymore that were so questionable, so onto the digital "yes" or "no". We have a YES!
I had my first nauseous experience by noon. At the clinic with C to get his cast off, and we're waiting for a X-ray as I am trying not to throw up, then had a feeling of I might faint. Just great. Reminded me quickly of my pregnancy with C...EAT within one hour of waking up, or else. I made it out of there not having a scene:)
By the end of the day, I had the babycenter app on my phone and a due date (May 3rd). LOL yep, I am a little bit crazy.