Monday, June 21, 2010

Vegas ~ Bachelorette ~ Wedding ~ Reception

Where do I begin?!? Its been nearly 2 years, now I am trying to get back into blog world.
Got married 5 weeks ago! In Vegas!!
Wedding was at Planet Hollywood Resort, which was awesome. The couple months leading up to the wedding, was stressful (what wedding isn't). PH was not the best people to deal with. I will never recommend anyone to get married there. In fact, I will discourage it. We booked a outdoor ceremony 16 months in advance....3 weeks before the wedding they called to say they were booking a pool party with a DJ, 5 feet from where our guests would be seating. Yes, not even kidding. After a couple days of arguing with them, we moved inside and got comp'd with a very fancy suite on the top floor of PH. Honestly, not worth it or a fair trade to me. Um, this is my wedding and they just f*#ked it up! What made us agree to this was when we were told our pictures could be outside.... Guess what wasn't outside?! Still got a bunch of good, cute pics, but still...thinking about writing a letter to the head guy at PH and see what happens. There was so many things along the way in the 16 months we dealt with them. Happy that part is over.
We had a wonderful Vegas vacation as well! We went out there 3 days before the wedding and stayed a couple days after:) never get enough! There was a bachelor/bachelorette party Vegas style 2 days before. Thats the way to do it! Us girls went to Dicks Last Resort for apps and drinks. Highly sarcastic wait staff...that will give bachelorettes lap dances. It was a blast! Then on to see the Austrailian strip show Thunder from Down Under...yummy! Must say the host of the show (also a secret dancer) is my favorite:) Ended our night at LAX, a dance club inside the Luxor. I have mixed feelings about that place. There was so much roped off for VIP tables and walkways and dancefloors. The part that was for us normal people that only wanted to spend $10 a drink instead of buying a bottle of vodka for $300 was so crowded. If I could afford to spend $300 on a bottle of vodka we would of been, well, high rollin. Since we were not...we missed the "be prepared to be pushed, bumped into every 10 seconds, and 20 minute lines at the bar" sign before we got in the door. OR maybe they should have those...just a thought. So I wore cute heels (of course) out, started our night at 7:30pm...ended about 3:30am. All of our places were at Excalibur, I was staying at MGM Grand. Which is "technically" across the street. With walking through the casinos, up and down the stairs, across the bridges its probably close to a mile. Since everything is so damn huge. Dancing in heels for that 4 hours we were at LAX, the second we stepped out the door back into the casino, my drunk ass took my shoes off. thats right, walked barefoot across the dirty, alcohol spilled, ashed on, casino floor. It gets better.....Shelly and I were solo by the very end. We had to walk through what seemed like every inch of the Luxor to get to the moving walkway to Excalibur. Moving walkway and barefeet do not mix! Tried to put my shoes back on for swollen it wasn't happening. sad. So what do I do after many cocktails, sat my ass down. There was a couple guys that even offered piggy back rides lol. I didn't take them, I was gonna suffer through it I guess. Finally got to Excalibur which felt like 2 hours later. Shelly went up to her room, and I went right out the front door and got a cab to take me across the street. My first words to the cab driver was not "MGM please" it was "please don't laugh or be mad" LOL he did giggle a little bit and say I don't know whats wrong with you girls that you wear shoes like that. At that point I didn't know either. Never felt feet pain like that in my entire life. Also, hope not to ever again. I laugh about it now, but if I would of tried to make it outside I am afraid I would of ended up sitting on the bridge crossing Las Vegas Boulevard hanging out with the homeless guy begging for money. Just couldn't risk it. The next day was also rough, good thing I was fine for Friday!

The men, started for apps and drinks at ESPN Zone, then off to Fantasy which was a topless girl show, then met us girls at LAX to end the night. DD will have to start his own blog to fill you in on his bachelor night. The basics that I remember, ESPN Zone kicks ass. Fantasy is not worth going to. LAX, the boys seem to have the same opinions we did.

We had lots of pool time. C loved the lazy river, could of stayed in there all day! There was a Spongebob arcade that he fell in love with, we almost had to buy another suitcase for all his prizes and stuffed animals he won. DD and I didn't get as much casino time as we would of liked. We did get out Saturday night to play some cards at the Flamingo(so fun!) and won some money to take home with us. Since Saturday was the only night we really had to to enjoy Vegas, we thought it would be smart to take advantage of it and stay out gambling and walking the strip all night long. Got back to PH about 5:30 am...Oh! and did I mention our shuttle for the airport was picking us up at 6:45am?? hahaha at 5:45 we decided to try and stay one more day. Checked with PH and the Miss America padget was that next night so they had no rooms. Thought, thats ok we can move called the airline. $200 PER TICKET! Of course we said no, took a 20 minute power nap and got on the shuttle. We get to the airport at 7am to get asked if we would be willing to switch our flight because they are overbooked. REALLY?!? I thought I was going to go postal. I am not a very nice girl when I am tired, then throw in crabby...and you're better off to just not talk to me at all. DD has learned this, incase you were wondering. Took a 2 hour nap on the plane then drove home from mlps. Longest day ever!!

I had another 4 days off after we got back, which kicked ass! I thought I'd try to be "normal" for my last couple days off and do NON wedding stuff! (that was dumb!) So I started to paint my living room. Which by the way, took me 4 weeks to actually finish! Then as I went back to work...for 8 days in a row keep in mind. I started to realize just how much we had to do before the reception. Stress level rising on a daily basis! Ativan please...

Three weeks of madness later, we had our reception. Those three weeks is where my procrastination flaw came in to haunt me! I didn't realize just how much was left to do in this short of time. I was trying to play catch up at work with my hours, even had to work 3 weekends in a row (ROUGH)! Did I mention I had three showers in April and I still had piles and piles of gifts scattered around my house?? good times. After multiple 1am bedtimes, I think we finally finished with two days to spare. Thanks to my bridesmaid Jaime for coming to rescue me and help one night, and to set things up at Blackwoods. Love that girl! Then my FL BFF (also bridesmaid) Lucie, who took time away from her family here in MN to come help me finish 2 nights before the reception when I was about to admit myself into a padded room. LOL. Everything turned out great and I had a amazing time.
Thank you to everyone involved, for all your help, all our guests, our kick ass bridal party that made it to Vegas, and all of your support along the way! We love you all <3>

1 comment:

LucieP said...

awwwww love you!! We had the best time in Vegas and in Mn!! I still hear songs and think of them!